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Cari Blog Ini

Nexus Repository 405

Maven and Nexus Upload - Persist Authentication


When using Maven to upload artifacts to a Nexus repository, it is possible that you will be prompted to enter your login credentials. This can be inconvenient if you are automating the upload process.


To programmatically upload an artifact without being prompted for credentials, you can persist your authentication information in your settings.xml file. To do this, add the following code to your settings.xml file: ```xml nexus your-username your-password ``` Be sure to replace "your-username" and "your-password" with your actual Nexus username and password. Once you have added this code to your settings.xml file, you will no longer be prompted for your credentials when uploading artifacts to the Nexus repository.


To test that your settings are working correctly, you can run the following command: ```bash mvn deploy ``` If the command succeeds, your artifact will be uploaded to the Nexus repository without you being prompted for your credentials.


Persisting your authentication information in your settings.xml file is a convenient way to automate the process of uploading artifacts to a Nexus repository. This can be especially useful if you are using a continuous integration system to automate your build and deployment process.
